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Weihnachten in England

  • ... so feiert man Christmas in England
  • Weihnachtsbräuche | Weihnachtsdeko | Weihnachtsessen
  • Weihnachten in Irland - Weihnachten in Schottland - Weihnachten in Wales
  • Weihnachtswörter, Weihnachtsrezepte & Weihnachtsshop
  • Weihnachtsquiz

    Die besten Christmas Jokes

    What did Adam say on the Day before Christmas?

    It's Christmas, Eve.

    What did the Stamp say to the Christmas Card?

    Stick with me and we'll go Places!

    What happened to the Man who stole an Advent Calendar?

    He got 25 Days!

    What never eats at Christmas Time?

    A Turkey. It's usally stuffed.

    Who hides in the Bakery at Christmas?

    A Mince Spy!

    Why are Christmas Trees so bad at sewing?

    They always drop their Needles!

    Why did the Grinch go to the Liquor Store?

    He was looking for the Holiday Spirit.

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