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Weihnachten in England

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  • A Babe is born all of a Maid

    Quadriga Consort: On a cold Winter's Day*

    Liedtext: A Babe is born all of a Maid

    A Babe is born, all of a Maid

    To bring salvation unto us:

    No more are we to sing afraid,

    Veni, Creator Spiritus

    Bethlehem, That blessed place,

    The Child of bliss then born He was;

    He aye to serve God give us grace,

    O Lux beata Trinitas.

    There came three kings out of the East,

    To worship there that King so free

    With gold and myrrh and Frankincense,

    A solis ortus cardine.

    The shepherds heard an Angel cry,

    O merry song that night sang he,

    Why are ye all so sore aghast,

    Jam lucis orto sidere?

    The Angel came down with a cry,

    A fair and joyful song sang he,

    And in the worship of that Child,

    Gloria Tibi Domine.

    A Babe is born all of a Maid anhören

    Tags: Weihnachtslieder | Weihnachtsbräuche | Weihnachtswörter

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