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Weihnachten in England

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  • Blessed be that Maid Marie

    Quadriga Consort: Winter's Delights*

    Blessed be that Maid Marie stammt aus dem Mittelalter und wurde erstmals in William Ballets 'Lute Book' veröffentlicht.

    Liedtext: Blessed be that Maid Marie

    Blessed be that Maid Marie;

    Born He was of her body;

    Very God ere time began,

    Born in time the Son of man.

    Eya! Ihesus hodie

    Natus est de Virgine.

    In a Manger of an ass

    Jesus lay and lulled was;

    Born to die upon the Tree

    Pro peccante homine.

    Eya! Ihesus hodie

    Natus est de Virgine.

    Sweet and blissful was the song

    Changed of the Angel throng,

    'Peace on earth', Alleluya.

    In excelsis gloria.

    Eya! Ihesus hodie

    Natus est de Virgine.

    Fare three Kings from far-off land,

    Incense, gold and myrrh in hand;

    In Bethlehem the Babe they see,

    Stelle ducti lumine.

    Eya! Ihesus hodie

    Natus est de Virgine.

    Make we merry on this fest,

    In quo Christus natus est;

    On this Child I pray you call,

    To assoil and save us all.

    Eya! Ihesus hodie

    Natus est de Virgine.

    Blessed be that Maid Marie anhören

    Tags: Weihnachtslieder | Weihnachtsbräuche | Weihnachtswörter

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