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Weihnachten in England

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  • Lullay, mine Liking

    Christmas at King's*

    Lullay, mine Liking ist eines der ältesten überlieferten Lullabys (Wiegenlieder). Es stammt aus dem 15. Jahrhundert und wurde in der mittelenglischen Sprache verfaßt.

    Da keine Melodie überliefert wurde, haben zahlreiche Komponisten den Text vertont, z.B. Ronald Corp, Gustav Holst, Philip Lawson, Edgar Pettman, Richard Rodney Bennett, R.R. Terry, Peter Warlock und David Willcocks. Diese Vertonungen sind teilweise auch als 'I saw a fair Maiden' und 'Myn Lyking' bekannt.

    Liedtext: Lullay, mine Liking

    I saw a fair maiden, sitting and sing,

    She lulled a little child a sweet lording:


    Lullay, mine Liking, my dear Son, mine Sweeting,

    Lullay, my dear heart, mine own dear darling.

    That very lord is He that made all things

    Of all lords He is Lord (and) King of all king.


    There was much melody at that Child's birth,

    All that were in heaven's bliss, they made mickle mirth.


    Angels bright they sang that night and saiden to that Child,

    'Blessed be Thou, and so be she that is both meek and mild.'


    Pray we now to that Child, and to His mother dear,

    Grant them His blessing that now maken cheer.


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